Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Juliaca - Lampa (2) 23.12.08

Pictures from the polilepis forest close to Lamapa.
Rufous-webbed Tyrant

Thick-billed Siskin

Juliaca - Lampa (1) 23.12.08

A lady is fishing in Laguna Kokan. At least 26 Titicaca Grebe observed in the area.
Giant Coot observed in a small lagoon less than 10 kilometres from Lampa.

Chilean Flamingos

Andean Coot
Andean Ibis, Kokan area.

Puna (Variable) Hawk 22.12.08

During an early morning walk together with Finn Jørgensen here in Juliaca we found these two Puna (Variable) Hawks. They seemed undisturbed by our presence, and we could take some close up photos of them.

Hummingbirds 17-18.12.08

Some hummingbirds seen Abra Malaga area and Huarcapay.
Bearded Mountaneer, Huarcapay, 18.12.08. No less than five seen.

White-tufted Sunbeam, Abra Malaga, west slope, 16.12.08. Several of this hummingbird seen during this rainy afternoon.

Sparkling Violetear, Huarcapay, 18.12.08

Bearded Mountaineer, Huarcapay, 18.12.08

Abra Malaga (2) 17.12.08

Abra Malaga, west slope
Red-crested Cotinga, west slope

Great Thrush, east slope. A wery common bird.

Gray-breasted Mountain-Toucan, east slope.

Plushcap, east slope

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Abra Malaga, east slope 17.12.08

Spectacled Redstart

Rufous-bellied Bush-Tyrant
Páramo Seedeater, this bird is uncommon in the area.

Superciliaried Hemmisingus

Together with Finn Jørgensen I had a daytrip from Ollantaytambo to the east slope (below Abra Malaga). We had many good birds, among them Marcapata Spintail, Inca Wren & Unstreaked Tit-Tyrant. At the photos some of the other birds observed during this daytrip.

Laguna Koriauata, Juliaca 19.12.08

Yesterday I visited Laguna Koriauata, salida Cusco here in Juliaca together with Finn Jørensen. As usual we saw Titicaca Grebe (20+). Other interesting observations: Silvery Grebe (16, two nests) & Chilean Flamingo (50+)
Lesser Yellowlegs, 20+ present.
Puna Teal, at least 150 seen in the lagoon.

Titicaca Grebe

Titicaca Grebe

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

More birds from Chaparri, Chiclayo

White-headed Brush-Finch

Golden-bellied Grosbeak

Collared Antshrike

Amazilian Hummingbird

Chaparri, Chiclayo 06.12.08

I visited this small reserve last week. I just had four hours in the area, and the local guide Tomas Salazar helped me find the birds. Juan Carrasco has the responsibility for all the day visitors (not for those who are going to sleep in the reserve), and he arranged the visit in a very professional manner. No less than 10 (or maybe more) White-winged Guans were seen.
Walking on the path


Visiting the dining table

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Andean Flamingo, Mejía Wetlands 16.11.08

Not a good picture but a great bird! The bird to the left is the Andean Flamingo. I observed the bird together with Ernesto Málaga. This is the first "published" record of this species from Mejía. According to Guannar Engblom there is another record from 1990. Anyway this is an extremely rare visitor to costal lagoons. The first record for Ite (Tacna) was also done November 2008.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Along the road, Mejía

Some short stops along the road north of the Sanctuary produced several good photo opportunities 16.11.
Black-crowned Night-Heron blowing in the wind

Elegant Tern & Common Tern (and Franklin's Gulls)

Burrowing Owl

Coots & Moorhens, Mejía

It is possible to see three Coots and one Moorhen in Mejía. I have earlier posted a photo of the rarely seen Giant Coot from Mejía (January 2008).
Red-fronted Coot is a scares bird in the Sanctuary. Only 30 birds are present here (and in Peru). It is possible to confuse this bird with Andean Coots shoving a red front shield. But Red-fronted Coot has a more flat front shield and more white at the tail than the Andean Coot. It is also smaller than this species. The colour of the bill and the upperparts also distinguishes Red-fronted Coot from Common Moorhen.

Andean Coot (left) with red front shield and yellowish bill, and Common Moorhen (right)

Red-fronted Coot (once more)

Andean Coot with white front shield and bill.

Some common birds from Mejía 2

Hooded Siskin. female
Least Sandpiper, quite common during migration

Great Grebe, nesting in the Lagoons
Pied-billed Grebe

Oasis Hummingbird