Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Mejía 14-15.03.08

Vermilion Flycatcher, female
West Peruvian (White-winged) Dove
Croaking Ground-Dove

Mejía Wetlands 15.03.08

Sanderlings, several thousand along the beach in the sanctuary.
Mostly sanderlings, but also some Gray Plovers, Ruddy Turnstones & Black Skimmers out there.
Osprey, still around.
Red-fronted Coot, not a good shot but a rare bird. Only 30 left in the wetlands (and Peru!).
Sanderlings along the beach.

Between Arequipa and Mollendo at 800 m.

Grayish Miner

The tail pattern visible at this photo.
I took the photos in the hills before Mollendo at 800 m, 16.03.08

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Yura outside Arequipa 06.03.08

Giant Hummingbird
Peruvian Sheartail
Hooded Siskin

Parque ecologico, Alto Selva Alegre, Arequipa 06.03.08

Cactus Canastero (immature). More to be publiched, but not on the blog.

Greenish Yellow-Finch, singing male.

Ash-breasted Sierra-Finch, male

I visited this spot togheter with, among others, Mauricio Ugarte-Lewis today. This is a protected (but threatened) area with cactus just outside Arequipa. Several good birds as the photos indicates. I saw both Mourning Sierra-Finch, Greenish Yellow-Finch and the Cactus Canastero feed on the fruits of the cactus.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Birds in Juliaca 3

The same lake as the next post. An old boat along the shore. All pictures from 28 February.
Pectoral Sandpiper
Black.necked Stilt

Birds in Juliaca 2

Here are some pictures from a small lake close to "Salida Cusco" still within the city (28 February). The lake lies just 5 minutes from my office! Here I saw 10 Titicaca Grebes, and it looks like they still reproduce here as they did 10 years ago.

To reach the lake you take the road leading to Cusco, you can se the lake at the right hand side after a few minutes (before the bridge). You can stop at the gas station "Fama" and walk the 50 meters down to the shore.

I visited the lake in the afternoon, and the pictures have the blue light that you often have here at Altiplano.

Titicaca Grebe
White-tufted Grebe with a fish

Silvery Grebes

Titicaca Grebes, one at a nest?

Sillustani 4

Chullpa at Sillustani
Andean Flicker
Bar-winged Cinclodes
Puna Hawk, soaring high above the ruins.
Rufous-collared Sparrow, immature