Sunday, October 21, 2007

Trip to Putina

Yesterday we had a family trip to Putina. Our target was the hot springs. We headed to Azurduy, and from there we took the bad road to Putina. We learned that you can not relay on the maps during this stretch. In Putina there was Polylepis forest along the hillsides. The first 20 kilometres along the road back to Juliaca we also saw extensive patches of Polylepis forest, and we also saw a field with Puya raimondii. The first 40 kilometres of the road between Putina and Huancane were quite bad, after that the road was paved to Juliaca. I only visited briefly a hillside with Polylepis forest, and I saw D’Obrigny’s Chat-Tyrant and several Streak-fronted Thornbirds.

Puna Ibis, between Azurduy and Putina

Greater Yellowlegs in poor light at 3900 m

D'Obrygny's Chat-Tyrant.

1 comment:

Rodrigo Mires said...

Dear Egil, my name is Rodrigo Mires and I´m writting you from Lima-Perú.

First and foremost let me congratulate you for your nice photos.

I am distracting your attention for a minute to ask your permission to publish your White-browed Chat-Tyrant photo.

I am licensed in Geography and Environment, in 2010 I joined the team that met Environment Minister of Perú for the creation of the Forest Reserve Area Zárate in Lima, Perú.

In 2011, I defended my thesis in the Catholic University Environmental Development Master's program; my thesis subject line was on this same forest, Zárate. According to this is that my jury has suggested me that I could publish the thesis in a book format.

That is the reason of my interest, I am adding a selection of photos of birds that leave in the forest.

If you kindly accept my request I would ask you to get me the photograph through my e-mail with a good resolution. I will promise to publish the respective credits of your photographic authorship.

I will be very grateful for your time and kindness.

Best regards,

Rodrigo Mires

Estimado Egil, me llamo Rodrigo Mires, antes que nada permíteme felicitarte por tus fotos, están muy buenas.

Me he tomado la libertad de escribirte para compartir contigo que a finales del 2011 sustenté una tesis de Maestría en Desarrollo Ambiental en la Universidad Católica del Perú cuyo tema verso sobre el Bosque de Zárate, un bosque nublado andino cercano a Lima-Perú que conseguimos el 2010 se declare como Área Natural Protegida.

En función a esto es que mi jurado examinador me ha sugerido que publique como libro la tesis, siendo este el motivo por el cual distraiga tu atención al ser una de las aves reportadas en este bosque el White-browed Chat-Tyrant como el de tu imagen.

Quería consultarte si serías tan amable de compartir conmigo tu foto para su publicación.

De acceder te rogaría me hicieses llegar a mi e-mail la imagen en alta resolución sin rúbrica o marca de agua.

Yo por mi parte me comprometo a adjuntar los respectivos créditos de tu autoría fotográfica anexos a la imagen.

Desde ya te agradezco Egil por tu tiempo y gentileza.

Que estes bien,

Rodrigo Mires