Thursday, September 24, 2009

Lomas de Arena, Santa Cruz III

Guira Cuckoo is one of the common birds in and around Santa Cruz.

South American Snipe, not a good picture but it is the best I have of this species.

Jardín Botánica, Santa Cruz IV

Purple-throated Euphonia, this group is now considered to be a part of the Siskins in stead of the Tanagers.

This Spot-breasted Woodpecker nested in the same tree as the Yellow-tufted Woodpecker (below).

All the photos are from my visit to the Botanic Garden 07.09.09. When you visit this place its important to tell the driver that you wants to go the new Botanic Garden (el nuevo Jardín Botánico).

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Jardín Botánico, Santa Cruz III

Wattled Jacana

Here are some of the birds I saw along the oxbow lake in the Botanic Garden. I also had a Gray-necked Wood-Rail in the morning, and several Little Grebes were present as well.

Purple Gallinule

Ringed Kingfisher

Amazonian Kingfisher

Jardín Botánico, Santa Cruz - some animals

The woodland and the oxbox lake also holds some animals, here are some of them.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Lomas de Arena, Santa Cruz II

Red-legged Seriema, I observed this sought after bird in the gardens in the area with the last entrance sign over the road (were the patch of wood you have to drive through begins).
Cocoi Heron
Green Ibis & Black-necked Stilt
Plumbeous Ibis
Nacunda Nighthawk

Lomas de Arena, Santa Cruz

Lomas de arena
White-tailed Hawk
Southern Crested Caracara
Roseate Spoonbill
Ringed Teal (highest) & two Brazilian Ducks.

This area lies quite close to Santa Cruz. However, it takes some time to get there. Sometimes you need a four-wheel drive the last 3 or 4 kilometers, but off course you will see more birds walking through the forest the last kilometers before coming to the dunes and lagoons.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Jardín Botánico, Santa Cruz 07.09.09

Black-fronted Nunbird, it is easily seen in the forest next to the oxbow lake.
Wood Stork, this is maybe the first observation in this area, although it is not a rare bird in the lowlands.
Spot-backed (Caatinga) Puffbird, not included in the list published several years ago, but now probably quite common at least seasonally.

Blue-crowned Motmot

Jardín Botánico in Santa Cruz lies close to the city center, and the forest is well preserved. The area contains both Chaco and Semi-tropical forest, and close to the entrance you can also find an oxbow lake adding some waterfowl to the birdlist. More than 200 species of birds have been observed in the area. The wind was quite strong when I visited the park this Monday morning, but I still managed to see 60+ species.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

In the air, Sucre...

Variable (Red-backed) Hawk
Cinereous Harrier
Black-chested Buzzard-Eagle and Mountain Caracara

Las Salinas, Arequipa 21.08

Here are some pictures from the area above Chiguata and Las Salinas. The best observation this day was not a bird but the Andean Fox that crossed the raod at 4100 m.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Endemic birds in Bolivia 3

Bolivian Earthcreeper is together with Chaco Earthcreeper now separated in its own family named Tarphonomus. The Bolivian Earthcreeper is endemic for the central part of Bolivia. This individual was photographed in Alto Tujsupaya, Sucre (2860 m) in August 2009. Good fieldmarks are the bill and the underside with no contrasts except the white throat.