Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Chiguata 14.03.09

This and the next post shoves 10 of the 34 species observed during an early morning walk (06-08 AM) in the grassland and scrub above Chiguata.
Black-hooded Sierra-Finch, male
Mountain Parakeet
Dark-winged Canastero
Chiguanco Thrush

Cream-winged Cinclodes

Chiguata 14.03.09

Band-tailed Seedeater, male
Mourning Sierra-Finch, male
White-throated Earthcreeper

Thick-billed Siskin

Yellow-billed Tit-Tyrant

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Mostly Mejía area

I had a search after unpublished photos on my computer; here are some of the photos I found from the last months.

Vermilion Flycatcher, Mejía, December 2008

Little Blue Heron, Mejía, January 2009

Gray-hooded Gull, La Punta, Islay, January 2009.
American Oystercatcher, Mar Villa, Lima, February 2009. Gray-hooded Gull in the background.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Woodpeckers II

Here are some more Woodpeckers from the coast & Andean part of Peru. If you want to learn more about the differences between Golden-olive & Black-necked Woodpecker take a look at the previous post (Woodpeckers I).
Black-necked Woodpecker, Santa Eulalia, Lima (02.08.08)

Andean Flicker the only Woodpecker in the puna grassland in the Andes (Juliaca, 15.02.09)

Woodpeckers I

Here are some photos of Woodpeckers from the coastal northern part of Peru. The Golden-olive Woodpecker also can be found east of the Andes. I took the pictures during a brief visit to Chaparrí last year. The Scarlet-backed Woodpecker is definitely the most spectacular of them, and also sought after during bird trips along the northern coast or Marañón Valley. The Golden-olive Woodpecker can be confused with the endemic Black-necked Woodpecker. However, the Black-necked Woodpecker can be identified by the barred upperpart (see next post, Woodpecker II). According to Birds of Peru (Schulenberg et al.) there is little distributional overlap between Black-necked & Golden-olive Woodpecker.
Golden-olive Woodpecker
Golden-olive Woodpecker
Scarlet-backed Woodpecker
Scarlet-backed Woodpecker

Monday, March 9, 2009

Yellow-hooded Blackbird, Mar Villa 18.02.09

This species has survived in Pantanos de Villa since at least 1965 when about 35 ad. and one young were observed (Koepcke, The Birds of the Department of Lima, Peru, 1983 Ed.). Since then it has also spread to several other coastal marshes. When I came to Peru in 1995 there was some uncertainty about the survival of this coastal population (at least abroad). When I visited Mar Villa for the first time in 1996 together with Oscar Gonzales we saw several adults and young birds, and I remember I reported this to several persons then. The species seems to have a healthy population in and around Lima today, and it is easily seen in the Mar Villa area, Pantanos de Villa.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Andean Avocet, Laguna Chacas 06.03.09

I visited Lagunas Chacas briefly yesterday, and an Andean Avocet walked around in a small pool close to the road. I had some problems with the sharp light, but here you have some of the photos.
Andean Avocet

Wilson's Phalarope
Lesser Yellowlegs

Puna Ibis