Ite has some of the qualities of Mejia. I had my first trip to this wetland back in 1997. Also back in 1997 and 1998, during my first trips, I observed a lot of Ducks and Shorebirds in the area. But during this short visit (27.06.13) I was surprised to find really high numbers of Coots, Ducks, Flamencos and Grebes in the area. Then next entrance I will dedicate to
Ite wetlands. This first entry contains birds seen in the Southern part of the Lagoons.
Black-faced Ibis, a scarce breeder i Southern-Peru.
Blcak-chested Buzzard-Eagle
Greater Yellowlegs
Greater Yellowleg and White-backed Stilt (above), and Peruvian Martin, one of the specialities (below).