Sunday, May 31, 2009

Along the road to Sandia 28 of May.

28 of May I headed towards Sandia together with some friends, our goal was San Juan del Oro. I was the only birdwatcher, but we had some stops that I used to watch birds. Along the road from Juliaca to Sandia you have to climb up to 4600 m, it means that you can see some highland species on your way.
Ornate Tinamou
La Rinconada area
White-winged Diuca Finch

Looking for gold.
Crested Duck

Sandia area 28 of May.

While the others were eating lunch in Sandia I used the time looking for the Green-capped Tanager. I managed to see two in a garden at the right hand side shortly after a waterfall (to the left) about two kilometres below Sandia at approximately 2100 m. After lunch we continued our way to San Juan del Oro. However, we didn’t make it all the way to San Juan del Oro, while climbing to Abra Maruncuna (2200 m) the road got really bad and we decided to return to Sandia.

Blue-banded Toucanet
Andean Guan
Andean Cock-of-the-Rock

Green-capped vs. Burnished-buff Tanager

29 of May I returned to the garden where I observed the Green-capped Tanager the previous day. In the early morning I observed one individual. After an hour I had good enough light to take some photos at 800 ASA, and luckily a new bird entered the garden. After taking some photos I started to wonder if this really was a Green-capped Tanager. The crown looked more rufous than usual for this species, and I wondered if this could be a Burnished-buff Tanager. However, it seems to be too high for this species (2100 m). But as my experience with both species is quite limited I hope someone can give me some advice about this bird. It looks like the bird has some greenish in the rufous crown.
Is it a Green-capped or Burnished-buff Tanager.
Some greenish in the rufous crown.
The only picture from behind.
This individual was observed 28 of May at 1800 m.

The waterfal next to the garden were I observed the bird at the three first photos.

As the comment below from Daniel Lane indicates this is Green-capped Tanager.

Returning from Sandia 29 of May.

Some photos along the road between Sandia and the highlands.
Andean Condor, juvenile

Friday, May 15, 2009

Sparkling Violetear, Capachica, Lake Titiaca 09.05.09

Santa Eulalia

We didn't have too much time on our way back to Lima from the highlands, but we managed a couple of short stops in the Santa Eulalia valley. I visited Santa Eulalia for the first time last year, and then I added 7 species to my lifelist ( Here are two endemics from the area below the San Pedro turn off (my camera still worked).
Thick-billed Miner

Thick-billed Miner
Great Inca-Finch

Lima highlands

Diademed Plover, I have seen this species earlier, but these are my first photos of this species. I could maybe have gone somewhat closer, but decided not to disturb the birds more than necessary.
Diademed Plover

White-bellied Cinclodes

Rufous-bellied Seedesnipe
Black-breasted Hillstar

All since I got "Birds of the High Andes" back in 1991, I have been interested in seeing many of the scarce Andean birds. I saw many of them back in 1997 visiting Abra Malaga. Just to mention Royal Cinclodes and Ash-breasted Tit-Tyrant. But still I hadn't seen several of the highland species from Lima, among them White-bellied Cinclodes, Dark-winged Miner & Olivaceous Thornbill (the Thornbill is not only a speciality for this area, but easily seen here), all of them target species on this trip (I saw them all!). Unfortunately I didn't manage to take to many good photos, mostly because the battery was almost flat, and I hadn't my second battery in the bag either :-(. I just took some photos without checking the result. However, some of them are good enough.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Some common birds from Sucre, Bolivia II

Red-tailed Comet, not a long tailed male, but still a good looking bird.
Rufous Hornero
Saffron Finch, seen in large groups in the area.

Great Kiskadee, now even more common than five years ago.

Citron-headed Yellow-Finch, this near endemic is quite common here, but I didn't get any closer this time.

Some common birds from Sucre, Bolivia I

Here are some pictures taken Alto Tucsupaya in the outskirts of Sucre 04-06 of May.
Black-billed Shrike-Tyrant

Black-billed Shrike-Tyrant
Bay-winged Cowbird

Bay-winged Cowbird (Imm)
Bay-winged Cowbird

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Spot-billed Ground-Tyrant and Lesser Shrike-Tyrant

Here is a Spot-billed Ground-Tyrant and a still not identified flycatcher from Sucre, Bolivia. The unidentified flycatcher behaved like a Ground-Tyrant, but what confuses me is the amount of white on the wings. The wing projection is also to short for most of the Ground-Tyrants. Any suggestions? The birds perched on the fence at the airport at 2870 m.
Spot-billed Ground-Tyrant
Several persons have indicated that this is a Lesser Shrike-Tyrant. This is my third observation of this bird in Sucre, and the first I have photographed. It means that I have seen this species earlier in the same general area four years ago, but I still didn't manage to recognize it. I guess that the small size confused me.

Lesser (Mouse-brown) Shrike-Tyrant

Narrow-billed Woodcreeper, Sucre, Bolivia

Here are some birds from Sucre, Bolivia. I visited our theological seminary next to the airport in Alto Tucsupaya, Sucre a couple of days. From the office I observed a Narrow-billed Woodcreeper 05 of May. It was climbing in a tree next to the window. I have earlier seen Narrow-billed Woodcreeper close to "Hacienda Siete Cascadas" at 2600 m. However, 05 of May I saw the bird at 2860 m, witch might be the highest ever observation of this species. Ridgely and Tudur (The Birds of South-America, vol. 2) mentions that it is possible to see this species at least to 2300 m in Bolivia.

Narrow-billed Woodcreeper, at 2860 m from Sucre, Bolivia, 05.05.09