Friday, April 24, 2009

Colombia, July 2008 (6)

Here are some photos from Cali. This is the last of six posts. You should start the story at the first post.
Crested Bobwhite, male
Crested Bobwhite, female. The birds were observed when we visited Cristo Blanco above the town.

Great Kiskadee, Cali
Rusty-margined Flycatcher, at the airport, Cali
Blue-gray Tanager, at the airport, Cali

Colombia, July 2008 (5)

The third post with birds from Laguna de Sonso, Valle de Cauca.

Whispering Ibis

Purplish Gallinule

Common Tody-Flycatcher

Colombia, July 2008 (4)

More birds from Laguna de Sonso, Valle de Cauca.
Anhinga, not always easy to see here.

Yellow Oriole
Greater (Caribbean) Flamingo, there are not many observations of this species from Laguna de Sonso.

Smooth-billed Ani

Spectacled Parrotlet

Colombia, July 2008 (3)

When it comes to birds the highlight of the trip was a visit to Laguna de Sonso, in the valley of Cauca. The rest of the family spent some time walking around in Buga while I preferred mud, mosquitoes and of course the opportunity to see some new birds. The taxi driver I used from Buga to Laguna de Sonso happened to know the place well, and together we walked two hours in the area. I observed more than 50 species at this site.

A Saffron Finch indicating where I could find the birds!
Yellow-headed Caracara, quite common here.
Snail Kite, a very common bird!
Red-crowned Woodpecker, just recently observed at Laguna de Sonso.

Crimson-crested Woodpecker, this species is not on the list from Laguna de Sonso. This might bee a new species here.

Colombia, July 2008 (2)

Southern Lapwing, Las Lomas hotel, Medellín.
Striated Heron, from a park Antioquia area close to Medellín.
Tropical Kingbird, Bogotá

Colombia, July 2008

Steely-vented Hummingbird, in the garden at Las Lomas hotel close to the airport in Medellín.

Great Thrush, a common bird in the parks, Bogotá

Steely-vented Hummingbird, Las Lomas hotel, Medellín.
American Coot, Parque Florida, Bogotá.

Montane Thrush, Las Lomas hotel, Medellín.
Last year we visited Colombia together with my brother and his family. This was manly a family trip so I did not see so many birds, but here are some of the birds observed in Bogotá and Medellín. In Bogota I visited Parque Florida. I did see the Apolinar's Wren during the tree hours spent in the park but not the Rail.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Chiguata 28.03.2008

White-throated Earthcreeper

Moho area 02-03.04.2009

Andean Lapwing
Puna Teal
Yellow-billed Pintail
Peruvian Sierra-Finch
Pectoral Sandpiper

Friday, April 10, 2009

Peruvian Sheartail, Arequipa 29-30.03.08

One of the most common garden birds in Arequipa!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Aplomado Falcon, Moho 02.04.09

Between Wayrapata and Ninantaya, Moho (Puno) I observed two Aplomado Falcons. I had to leave the car in order to get closer to the birds, and I was able to get quite close before they took off.

American Kestrel, Moho 02.04.09

While driving between Wayrapata and Ninantaya, Moho (Puno) I observed this American Kestrel. It was eating another unidentified bird. Luckily I could use the car as a hide.