Thursday, October 23, 2008

Tacna 19.10.08

Black-faced Ibis; The second breeding colony found in Tacna this year! Finders: J. Klever Vizcarra R. & Tor Egil Høgsås.

Boca del Rio, Tacna, 18.10.08

Snowy Egret
Snowy Plover

Semipalmated Plover & Ruddy Turnstone

Kelp Gull

Blackish Oystercatchr

Tacna city 17.10.08

An interesting picture; White-eyed Parakeet (highest) & three Scarlet-fronted Parakeet.
Rufous-collared Sparrow

Peruvian Thick-Knee

Andean Gull, first documented at the Sewage works.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Laguna Koriauata, Salida Cusco, Juliaca (2)

The moon was already shining bright when I took my last photos of the Titicaca Grebes yesterday. Here are some of the results.
Titicaca Grebe & Andean Duck
Titicaca Grebe
Titicaca Grebe
Andean Duck & Titicaca Grebe

Laguna Koriauata, Salida Cusco, Juliaca (1)

Yesterday I visited this small lagoon at sunset. The light was scarce but quite good. Here are some of the species seen this afternoon.
Andean Coot, 200+ seen.
Common Moorhen, 30+ seen.
Giant Coot, only one seen.
White-tufted Grebe, 8+ seen.

Baird's Sandpiper, at least 10 present.