Monday, February 18, 2008

Scale-throated Earthcreeper, Sillustani

Yesterday I visited Sillustani together with my students at the Bible College. After visiting the Archeological Site we vent down to the Museum. Here I walked up a hill with some vegetation (photo). Along the upper part of the hill I observed a Scaled-throated Earthcreeper. I was not able to photograph the bird, and after two short observations I also lost the bird. I stayed in the area 30 minutes without finding it again.

The Museum lies at the left-hand side about 200 meters before the entrance to the Archeological Site. The site fits with the habitat description given in Birds of the High Andes by Fjeldså & Krabbe.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Bright-rumped Yellow-Finch in the garden

The Bright-rumped Yellow-Finch is a fantastic bird, here are some photos from the garden (Juliaca) today (02.02.08).

Crucero 28.01.08

Bare-faced Ground-Dove, at 4124 m.
Andean Flicker in the town, at 4124 m.

Bar-winged Cinclodes, ssp. albiventris, at 4200 m, Crucero area

Bar-winged Cinclodes

Bare-faced Ground-Dove

I had a job related trip to Crucero 28. January, were I visited several churches. Here are some birds from the trip. Crucero lies 3,5 hours northeast of Juliaca along the road to Limbani.